ECOMI has partnered with Changelly to offer the ability to exchange between coins/token supported by Changelly. 

1. Open the ECOMI Secure Wallet app and tap the 'Convert' button.
2. Tap the top coin/token icon.
3. Choose your desired coin/token you wish to convert from.
4. Tap the bottom coin/token icon.
5. Choose your desired coin/token you wish to convert to.
6. Tap 'Please select an address' for both your 'from' and 'to' to specify which addresses you wish to use for the transaction.
7. Enter your desired conversion amount and tap 'next'. Live rates will be displayed from Changelly.
8. Check the amounts and address and tap confirm.
9. Turn on your Secure Wallet and follow the prompts to confirm the transaction on your Secure Wallet and send the coin/token to Changelly.
10. You will see the following prompt when your Secure Wallet has successfully sent the coin/token to Changelly. Please allow 10-20 minutes for the transaction to complete.