ECOMI has partnered with Changelly to offer the ability to exchange between coins/token supported by Changelly.
1. Open the ECOMI Secure Wallet app and tap the 'Convert' button. | |
2. Tap the top coin/token icon. | |
3. Choose your desired coin/token you wish to convert from. | |
4. Tap the bottom coin/token icon. | |
5. Choose your desired coin/token you wish to convert to. | |
6. Tap 'Please select an address' for both your 'from' and 'to' to specify which addresses you wish to use for the transaction. | |
7. Enter your desired conversion amount and tap 'next'. Live rates will be displayed from Changelly. | |
8. Check the amounts and address and tap confirm. | |
9. Turn on your Secure Wallet and follow the prompts to confirm the transaction on your Secure Wallet and send the coin/token to Changelly. | |
10. You will see the following prompt when your Secure Wallet has successfully sent the coin/token to Changelly. Please allow 10-20 minutes for the transaction to complete. |